We would like to shout out a big THANK YOU to all of you guys who are interested in and have ordered our cookbook, we hope you have a lot of fun with it 😊😊
On this page you can find the most basic condiments we use to cook vegan Chinese food at home and the products we recommend.
Soy Sauce(酱油)

Soy sauce is DEFINITELY the most fundamental condiment in a Chinese kitchen, everyone has their preferred type or brand. We recommend this soy sauce from Lee Kum Kee, it is full of umami and adds great taste to the dishes.
Light Soy Sauce(生抽)

This premium soy sauce from Lee Kum Kee is a good choice that you should be able to find at your local Asian store, it is slightly lighter compared to the soy sauce recommended above but also strong in umami and is suitable for (almost) all dishes.
Dark Soy Sauce(老抽)

Dark soy sauce is used mostly to add color to the ingredients, we recommend this premium dark soy sauce from Lee Kum Kee, it brings a nice color to the dishes and has a good taste.
Low Sodium Soy Sauce(减盐酱油)

For those who are trying to lower their daily sodium intake, we can recommend this Lee Kum Kee 40% Less Sodium Soy Sauce which has 40% less sodium compared to normal soy sauces.
Gluten Free Soy Sauce(无麸质酱油)

And for those who are gluten intolerant, we can recommend this Lee Kum Kee Gluten Free Soy Sauce.
Dark Chinese Vinegar/Chinkiang Vinegar(镇江香醋)

There are several types of dark Chinese vinegars, we would recommend this Chinkiang vinegar, it is not overly sour and adds a pleasant taste to the dishes.
Sesame Oil(芝麻油)

Sesame oil has an amazing aroma and is mostly used in cold dishes as part of the dressing, we recommend this pure sesame oil.
Sesame Paste(芝麻酱)

Chinese sesame paste is more aromatic and thicker than the normal tahini, however, many brands add peanut butter to its sesame paste, we recommend this pure sesame paste from the traditional brand Wangzhihe.
13 Spices(十三香)

13 spices is a traditional Chinese spice blend, it consists normally of Orange Peel, Cinnamon, Cumin, Ginger, Angelica, Sichuan Peppercorn, Star Anise, Nutmeg, Galangal, White Pepper, Cloves, Liquorice, Cardamom, but it varies depending on the brand. We recommend the 13 spices from the most famous traditional brand Wangshouyi.